Dreamsicle Lapacho (Pau d'arco)

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Lapacho Dreamsicle.jpg

Dreamsicle Lapacho (Pau d'arco)


Lapacho is an evergreen tree, with rosy colored flowers.

Lapacho tea is also called the “tea of the Incas.” This herbal tea, which is popular in South America, provides a number of health benefits. It is made using the inner bark of the lapacho tree called the Pink Ipe that is native to South America. This herbal tea does not contain caffeine, and it is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that help maintain health and vitality. Lapacho tea, for example, contains iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iodine, boron and barium.

Potential Health Benefits of Lapacho Tea

  1. It treats and prevents different diseases, such as arthritis, diabetes, bowel problems, bladder infections, asthma and cancer. The absence of side effects makes lapacho a treatment of choice even in conjunction with standard forms of therapy. The user has nothing to lose and much to gain from the use of lapacho.

  2. It has laxative effect. Regular use of lapacho will maintain regularity of bowel movements. Users of lapacho universally report a pleasant and moderate loosening of the bowels that leads to greater regularity without any unpleasant side-effects such as diarrhea.

  3. It works as a natural antibiotic.

  4. It has anti-aging effect. Trials show definite inhibition of free radicals by lapacho constituents. Free radicals are even heavily implicated in the normal aging process.

  5. It boosts the immune system and reduces the chances of contracting a medical condition due to its rather potent antimicrobial effects.

  6. It increases blood and bone marrow health. Increased red blood cell production would improve the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. This, in turn, could have important implications for the health of tissues throughout the body.

  7. It reduces the symptoms of the flu, colds, fevers, burns, respiratory distress, skin irritation, yeast infections, bone infections, dysentery and other infectious diseases.

  8. Is also useful for treating chronic conditions such as lupus, psoriasis and Parkinson’s disease.

  9. It is useful in combating the side effects that commonly occur with different medications such as dizziness, nausea, anemia and diarrhea.

  10. It reduces pain, inflammation and other symptoms of arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory effects.

    Source: nutriplanet.org

This is a subtle blend of Lapacho with orange peel, orange slices and vanilla rooibos.

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